Spring 2023 - BUS/MGMT 325-001: Value Creation for Business Stakeholders
CRN: 22013
Meets: Tuesday / 4:30-7:10pm / Horizon Hall, MIX 2107
About this Course
What is the role of business in creating positive social change? Do businesses have a
responsibility to serve shareholders and other stakeholders such as employees, the
planet, and the community at large? Is there a purpose for business beyond profit and if
so, what is it? Come explore the answers to questions such as these in this course, which
brings together concepts from multiple disciplines to address the complex relationships
and mutual dependencies of six key stakeholders: shareholders, employees, customers,
community/society, suppliers, and the planet.
Stakeholders of a business include its shareholders, employees, customers, community/society, suppliers, and the planet/environment. Each can have a direct impact on the success of a business, and each can be impacted positively or negatively depending on how a business act. Businesses that define their purpose to be stakeholders value creation may make different choices in pursuit of different goals than do businesses who define their purpose solely as shareholder value creation.
This multidisciplinary course, open to students across the University, will support student development of an advanced and critical understanding of the key stakeholders in a business.