Spring 2023
RS MKTG 481-001: Marketing in the Nonprofit Sector
Meets: Tues, 1:30PM – 4:10PM
Instructor: Prof. Niki Vlastara
About This Course
How do nonprofits market? In this class, we will examine the unique challenges of applying marketing principles and practices to not-for-profit groups. Nonprofit groups include as human service and philanthropic organizations, museums, health and wellness advocates, educational institutions, industry associations and government. We will take a closer look at understanding the nonprofit marketing environment and how the marketing mix is affected by the offer instead of a “product”. A key element of this course will be working directly with a nonprofit organization to solve a marketing issue or develop a marketing opportunity.
Working with an actual nonprofit organization students will work to address a current marketing issue using primary and secondary research.
**Designated as a Scholars Research and Scholarship (RS) Intensive Course
*Eligible elective for Marketing Concentration. Eligible elective for Marketing Minor.
*Open to all students who have completed MKTG 303 with a minimum grade of C.