An Exceptional Opportunity to Learn from One of the Industry’s Best: Laura Carrubba, Retired PwC Tax Partner

Laura Carrubba is a retired PwC tax partner with over 30 years of experience in public accounting. Ms. Carrubba joined PwC (formerly Coopers & Lybrand) in 1990. She was admitted as a tax partner at PwC in 2000.
Ms. Carrubba’s experience includes:
- Assisting private equity, venture capital, and real estate fund managers with federal and state tax matters impacting portfolio investment decisions, fund investors, and fund advisory teams
- Working on public company corporate audits as the lead tax partner of global PwC teams to audit the accounting for income taxes
- Working with PwC teams to assist companies with global structuring and strategies
- Providing tax support for IPO teams as private corporate clients prepared for IPO.
Ms. Carrubba began her career focused on advising public and private corporate clients, including family-owned businesses. In the mid-2000’s, Ms. Carrubba transitioned into PwC’s Asset & Wealth Management (“AWM”) group focused on advising real estate, private equity, and venture capital fund clients. Ms. Carrubba continued to build her experience and a fund practice at PwC in Hartford, CT until transferring to PwC’s Northern Virginia office in 2017 to lead an AWM tax team until she retired from PwC in 2022.
Ms. Carrubba holds a Master of Science in Taxation from the University of Hartford and a Bachelor of Science in Accounting from Bryant University. She is a licensed CPA in the states of CT and VA. Ms. Carrubba served on the board of the Urban League of Greater Hartford for over five years in various roles including Treasurer. She is a member of the Dean’s Advisory Council for the Bryant University School of Business.
ACCT-351: Taxation/Managerial Decision Making?
Having a fundamental understanding of taxation is essential to almost every business function of an organization. Tax considerations are critical to personal and business decisions and are essential to ensure compliance, make informed financial decisions, and implement tax planning strategies to optimize financial performance. Taxes impact many facets of personal and business planning including investment planning, employee compensation decisions, supply chain decisions, choice of legal entity as well as many other areas. Through a combination of lectures, interactive activities, and guest speakers, we will explore the conceptual and technical foundations of U.S. federal income taxation to build a foundation for the fundamental knowledge required for current and future business leaders.