Victoria Grady

George Mason University Costello College of Business Faculty Victoria Grady
Titles and Organizations

Instructional Associate Professor, Management
Additional Roles: Masters of Science in Management Program Director

Contact Information

Phone: (703) 993-8711
Office Location: Enterprise Hall 213
Office Hours: By appointment


Victoria Grady is currently an instructional associate professor of management in the Costello College of Business at George Mason University. Her research is focused on the inherent loss of stability suffered by organizations introducing and implementing organizational change.

Grady continues to build on her original research and actively integrates theoretical concepts with practical application in the field of management. Her practice case studies include issues of organizational change/trust and include federal government institutions, non-profit organizations, and private sector companies.

Research Interests

  • The inherent loss of stability suffered by organizations introducing and implementing organizational change.


  • DSc - Doctor of Science in Technology Management and Organizational Behavior, George Washington University
  • MS -Management, University of Alabama in Huntsville
  • BS - Accounting, Birmingham-Southern College

Research and Awards

  • Received the Outstanding Teaching in Management Award for 2015-2016 from George Mason School of Business. Grady was presented this award at the School of Business Awards Ceremony in May 2016 and recognized at the Convocation Ceremony in May 2016.
  • Presented the paper titled, “Is There Ever Change in Washington?” at the Association of Change Management Professionals- Global in Dallas, Texas in 2016 (with coauthors Patrick McCreesh and Heidi Fieselman).
  • Had the presentation titled “Is There Ever Change In Washington?” published in the proceedings from the Association of Change Management Professionals (ACMP) in May 2016 (with coauthors Patrick McCreesh, Heidi Fieselman).
  • Presented the paper titled, “Organizational Culture and Attachment Theory: Cultivating Organizational Success Through the Thoughtful Consideration of Symbols” at the Social Science and Public Policy Conference 2014 in Washington, DC, in 2014 (with coauthors Alexa Broida and Jennifer Wenndus).
  • Presented the paper titled, “Can We Use Social Learning Theory to Explain What We Really Learned in Kindergarten?” at the Education, Psychology, and Humanities Conference 2014 in Washington, D.C., in 2014 (with coauthors Nicole Eliopolous, Michael Loveland, and Noura Noura Saad).
  • Had the presentation titled “Moving Forward with Employee Engagement,” published in the proceedings from the Society for Industrial-Organizational Psychologists Annual Conference (with coauthors Ted Hayes, Paul Thoreson, Patrick McKay, and Zinta Byrne) in 2015.
  • Published an article titled, “The Challenge of Change for Multinational Organizations” (coauthored with Emily Ayubi, Brittany Bowers, Alexa Broida, and Neil Jenkins) in the International Journal for Management and Business in 2014.
  • Presented the paper titled, “Organizational Culture and Attachment Theory: Cultivating Organizational Success Through the Thoughtful Consideration of Symbols” at the Social Science and Public Policy Conference in Washington, D.C. in 2014 (with coauthors Alexa Broida and Jennifer Wenndus).
  • Presented the paper titled, “Can We Use Social Learning Theory to Explain What We Really Learned in Kindergarten?” at the Education, Psychology, and Humanities Conference 2014 in Washington DC, District of Columbia in 2014 (with coauthors Nicole Eliopolous, Michael Loveland, Noura Noura Saad).

Teaching Interests

  • Principles and practices of management
  • Organizational change
  • Organizational Behavior
  • Groups and Teams

Media Clippings