- December 16, 2021
Anthony Vatterott, research manager, was interviewed by WalletHub on what to look for when it comes to credit card promotions.
- December 15, 2021
Kevin Matthews, accounting instructor, was interviewed by Business Insider on excise taxes.
- December 15, 2021
How can business schools train the most effective DEI leaders? Cameron Harris, assistant area chair of business foundations; Brett Josephson, associate dean of Executive Development; Benjamin Kessler, research communications and outreach officer; and Christine Landoll, director of business engagement, answer this in an article for AACSB.
- December 19, 2021
“The pandemic gave rise to a huge increase in both the price of for-sale housing and rents of rental housing,” says Eric Maribojoc, executive director of the Center for Real Estate Entrepreneurship, in an interview with Washington Business Journal.
- December 9, 2021
Because of shortages, “smaller retailers might also see more people visit their stores or websites seeking substitutes or alternatives for gifts, [which means], there is an increased opportunity for smaller retailers to win over customers,” Gautham Vadakkepatt notes in an interview with Loudoun Now.
- December 10, 2021
Sarah Manski, assistant professor, was interviewed on “how cryptocurrency can act as a means for global social change” for Nasdaq.
- December 6, 2021
"In contrast to individual companies enforcing vaccine mandates within their company, government-directed vaccine mandates are beneficial in that they take this decision out of the hands of the retailer and, to a certain extent, level the playing field across retailers," says Gautham Vadakkepatt, director of the Center for Retail Transformation, in an interview with Retail Dive.
- December 7, 2021
Stadiums that can become are multi-purpose venues are “investments that brands are willing to make because of the exposure involved,” says George Perry, Business Foundations instructor, in an interview with MarketScale.
- December 8, 2021
Derek Horstmeyer, professor of finance, says that the downside of ETF funds are “that because they trade continuously throughout the day, this encourages investors to trade too frequently. This leads to excess fees, short term capital gains and losses due to trying to time the market.”
- December 1, 2021
Remote working has increased, but how has that affected company culture? Kevin Rockmann, professor of management says, “A lazy solution is to jump to an in-between model and try to make everybody happy: the average level of dissatisfaction [with that approach] will be high.”